ISSN 2145-6569
IBSN 2145-6569-0-7


Christian Alberto Mendoza Nápoles



Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez / México


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Cristian Alberto Mendoza Nápoles: Universidad autónoma de Ciudad Juárez.
Recibido: 27 de Abril de 2020
Aprobado: 30 de Noviembre de 2020 
Referencia Recomendada: Mendoza Napoles, C. (2021).Validation of parenting principles scale for ciudad Juarez Chihuahua. Revista de Psicología GEPU, 12 (1), 35- 42
Resumen: Se realizó un análisis exploratorio y un análisis confirmatorio para validar un cuestionario de percepción de principios de la crianza en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, a partir de una encuesta realizada a 48 progenitores, de la cual se desprendieron algunas clasificaciones para formular las preguntas del instrumento validado. Se obtuvo un instrumento confiable de un solo factor, el cual mide los principios que los progenitores de la población analizada consideran adecuados para la crianza de sus hijos. El cual puede servir en estudios a realizarse referentes a la precepción de los progenitores en cuanto a la crianza.

Palabras clave: Estilos de crianza, estilos parentales, percepción de la crianza, validación.

Abstract: An exploratory and confirmatory analysis was carried out to validate a questionnaire of perception of the beginnings of the Crianza in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, from a survey carried out to 48 parents, of which some classifications were detached To formulate the questions of the validated instrument. A reliable instrument of a single factor was obtained, which measures the principles that the parents of the analyzed population consider appropriate for raising their children. Which can be used in studies to be carried out concerning the parents ' perception in terms of parenting.

Key Words: Breeding styles, parental styles, perception of parenting, validation.

The consequences of children raised in a dysfunctional parenting style also affect the social level. Children with aggressive behaviors have been found to have less ability to interact with their peers and have a low school performance (French, 1988; Ladd and Burgess, 1999). When coercive patterns occur at an early age, they can be taken as predictors of violent behavior in adolescence (Patterson, Reid and Dishion, 2002), among which problems of vandalism, addictions and desertion may occur. School Because the importance of aggression lies in that it is continuous and can cause disorders in the individual (Wilson and Hernstein, 1985). In addition to the foregoing, the importance of parenting for the functional development of minors is taken into account.
However, given the importance of parenting by parents, there are virtually no reliable instruments to measure parental styles in the Mexican population and much less instruments that mídanla perception of parents before the Breeding. With the exception of an instrument taken from the United States, under theoretical bases of the same country, which was validated in sample of the state of Sonora in Hermosillo and Nogales, for which they selected 60 mothers who had children between six and 15 years of age, two scales were produced; Authoritative and authoritarian (Gaxiola, Frías, Cuamba, Franco, and Olivas, 2006). Also an instrument that measures the parenting done by García-Méndez, Rivera and Reyes-Lagunes in 2014 in Mexico City, there were found 5 groups in terms of breeding styles: the punishment factor, which refers that when children disobey are Scolded and sometimes corporal punishment applies; The permissive in which minors can regulate their behavior by themselves without the supervision of their parents, the negative emotional factor, which is related to the state of mind of the parents and the behavior of their children; Behavioral control, in which parents only award prizes if children fulfill what parents want and the negative cognition factor, which has to do with the perception of the parents of their parenting style.
The objective of this research is to create an instrument that measures what parents consider important for parenting in Ciudad Juárez. 
Apply the questionnaire to parents in Ciudad Juárez randomly, considering that they have children between 0 and 17 years old. In the beginning, 48 parents were asked how should the children be raised?, then the questions for the test were drafted according to the answers the parents gave to the question. The test was applied in a different sample. The test was created under the Likert bases. To carry out the data, random permission was asked in different primates of Ciudad Juárez. 
Statistical analysis.
Perform a factorial analysis of the data in the SPSS program and then perform a confirmatory analysis in the program AMOS. Results 48 parents who answered the question were involved: how should children be raised?. Of which some classifications were obtained, from which questions were formulated to create the instrument for the present study (see table 1). The first six aspects of table 1 were taken into account to draft the reactants of the instrument that was created for this research.
Answers for question how should children be raised? (See table 1 in the PDF)
For the exploratory factor analysis, a total of 280 parents and mothers were involved, of whom 117 were men and 163 were women. The age of parents oscillates between 23 and 54 years of age with an average age of 36.85. Parents had children between one year of age and 28 years of age, and the participating parents had between 1 and 6 children. For the confirmatory analysis a participation of 100 parents was obtained. Participated 34 men and 66 women. The age of the parents oscillated between 23 and 47 years of age, for which an average of 31.32 years was obtained. The parents had children between 2 years of age and 19 years of age, also the participating parents had between one and five children. 
Exploratory factor Analysis The factor analysis in the beginning suggested that the scale is composed of a single factor (see Figure 1). By enhancing the exploratory analysis by adjusting it to a single factor, a scale was obtained with an alpha of. 889 (see table 2). 
Sedimentation Chart of the ageing scale. (See figure 1 in the PDF)
Scale resulting from factorial analysis. (See table 2 in the PDF)
Confirmatory Analysis 

For the confirmatory analysis of the breeding scale, a square chi of 156,885, 156 degrees of freedom, and a significance level of. 465 was obtained. Likewise, a CMIN/DF of 1,006 was obtained; A. 714 NFI,. 651 RFI,. 998 IFI,. 998 CFI; RMSEA. 008 (see Figure 2).
Confirmatory analysis of the breeding scale. (See figure 2 in the PDF)
At first the SPSS program emerged that the items written for this instrument would be grouped appropriately, so that was performed in factorial analysis suggesting the program SPSS a single factor; there was a factor with alpha of. 889, which indicates that the instrument is properly constructed. Items 1, 2, 3, 9, 14, 15, 23, 24, were not taken for the scale because does not were good enough for the exploratory analysis. Subsequently it was conducted in confirmatory analysis in which an adequate validation of the instrument was obtained since the CFI was of. 998 and RMSEA of. 008, according to the standards dictated by Hooper, Coughlan, Mullen in the 2008 to take as valid a model. Having reliable instruments that measure aspects of parenting is very important because what happens in parenting affects different aspects, some of which are aggressive behaviors, little ability to relate to their peers and present under School Performance (French, 1988; Ladd and Burgess, 1999). Likewise, the instruments that have been used in other populations of other cultures have had different results, as is the investigation of Gaxiola and collaborators in the 2006, in which it was found that there are only two styles of parenting, the democratic one and the Authoritarian and not four as originally proposed in the United States. The instrument validated in this research measures what the parents consider appropriate at the time of raising their children, so there is no other instrument of this type validated for the Mexican population. It is suggested to measure the correlation between the investigations that have validated instruments for the Mexican population with this new instrument, in order to expand the research in this line of investigation. It is concluded that the instrument that emerged from this research is a reliable instrument that measures the principles that parents consider appropriate for parenting in the population of northern Mexico. 
French, D. (1988). Heterogeneity of peer-rejected boys: aggressive and nonaggressive subtypes. Child Development, 59, 976-985.
García-Méndez, M., Rivera, S., y Reyes-Lagunes, I. (2014). La percepción de los padres sobre la crianza de los hijos. Acta Colombiana de Psicología. 17(2). 133-141.Recuperado de:
Gaxiola, J., Frías, M. Cuamba, N., Franco, J., y Olivas, L. (2006). Validación del cuestionario de prácticas parentales en una población mexicana. Enseñanza e investigación en psicología. 11(1) 115-128. Recuperado de:
Hooper, D., Coughlan, J., Mullen, M. (2008) Structural Equation Modelling: Guidelines for Determining Model Fit. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 6(1), 53-60.
Ladd, G. y Burgess, K. (1999). Charting the relationship trajectories of aggressive, withdrawn and aggressive/withdrawal children during early grade school. Child Development, 70, 910-929.
Patterson, G., Reid, J., y Dishion, T. (2002). Antisocial boys. Comportamento anti-social. Santo André, SP: ESETec.
Wilson, J. y Herrnstein, R. (1985). Crime and human nature. Nueva York, E.U.: Simon y Schuster Inc.

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